Cookinham On Dagny Taggart in Atlas Shrugged

Cookinham On Dagny Taggart in Atlas Shrugged

Join Queens Libertarians (in its topical event for LPQC) on August 10 at noon, to hear author and NYC tour guide Fred Cookinham speak on “The Journey of Dagny Taggart: A Commentary on Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.” Discussion will be held at Tu Casa Spanish/Peruvian Restaurant, 119-05 Metropolitan Ave in Kew Gardens. (Note: LPQC has moved from the Donovan’s Pub venue due to disagreements.) This address will follow its monthly business session, covering Queens LP planning and subcommittee updates.

Cookinham’s new book is a study guide to Rand’s magnum opus, and he states “I will explain how to use my book, why I wrote it, as well as my Ayn Rand-themed walking tours, and Rand’s place in libertarian thought.” According to one review, “Frederick Cookinham provides readers with many provocative insights and informative details in this line-by-line interpretive analysis of Atlas Shrugged. This Herculean effort is a worthy companion to Ayn Rand’s magnum opus.” -Chris Matthew Sciabarra, author, Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical; founding co-editor, The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies     Details and Directions

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