
Queens Libertarians

Libertarian News, Views, Discussion and Advocacy from Queens County, New York


Oliver, ter Maat Registered as Write-in Candidates

LPNY on how to write-in Chase Oliver and Mike ter Maat:

Chase Oliver/Mike ter Maat Registered as Write-In Candidates for President/Vice President

For the first time since 1956 (Eisenhower versus Stevenson), and the second time since 1872 (Grant versus Greeley), New Yorkers will only have two choices on the ballot for President.

New York’s increased ballot access thresholds in 2020 and overall restrictive laws have been making it more difficult for third party candidates to get on the ballot.

However, the Libertarian Party’s National candidates, Chase Oliver for President and Mike ter Maat for Vice President, have been registered as write-in candidates in New York State.

So while the names of the Libertarian Party candidates will not appear on the ballot, voters in New York wishing to vote for Chase Oliver/Mike ter Maat can do so, and it will be counted.

How to Vote Write-In for President/Vice-President?

Several people have asked how the write-in process works. There is a “write-in” spot on the ballot. Depending on where you are in New York, the “write-in” box is either the bottom of the column or on the right side of the row corresponding to the office. Important: If there is a fill-in bubble in the write-in box, it will need to be filled in order for the vote to count. (See the graphic)

12 Choose Chase—Reason Reveals Its Staff’s 2024 Voting Choices

The premiere Libertarian news and commentary publication on election preferences this year:

Since 2004, we have been asking—though not requiring—Reason staffers to explain who they’re voting for and why in presidential election years. Believe me when I tell you we don’t do this for our own health. We typically take a beating from every direction for the balance of our votes, or lack thereof. But we think it’s important for the people who read, watch, and listen to Reason to know where our writers, editors, and producers are coming from. Who we vote for is a highly imperfect measure of our biases, but it’s one we’re happy to share in the spirit of transparency. This election—and every election—we urge other publications to follow our lead.

Traditionally, this survey yields a high percentage of Libertarian Party (L.P.) voters and nonvoters, and that remains true in 2024. This year we have 12 Chase Oliver voters (many of whom have horribly mean things to say about the L.P.), six nonvoters, three Kamala Harris voters (many of whom have horribly mean things to say about Harris), one Nikki Haley write-in, one Kennedy write-in (the Fox News host, not RFK Jr.), and two undecideds (one 50/50 Trump/Oliver and one 50/50 Trump/nobody). In general, the tone of the forum is bleak and discouraged, in keeping with the mood of the American public…. More

Hot Wings and New Politics—LPQC Convention November 9, at Hooters

To repeat, join us for QL’s 2024 county convention (second try) as the Libertarian Party of Queens County (LPQC) on November 9 at noon. It will be held in our Fresh Meadows location at Hooters on 61-09 190th St, in the patio area. This official LP county committee function will serve as our full general meeting, where officers will be nominated or re-nominated, and committee or subcommittee members are to be appointed. We also plan to decide on our regular location going forward (choosing between Tu Casa in Woodhaven, Stamatis in Astoria, or Hooters). Attendees are asked to pay/renew dues of $20 to LPQC by or during the proceedings in order to vote. More info on the venue is at: https://www.hooters.com/locations/32908-fresh-meadows

Members and attendees will also speak, in the topical section, on the outcome of the November election—what are the implications for the future of the LP? An open discussion will cover concerns over ballot access in New York, and on how to secure restoring it in 2026 going forward. In this session members will again be offered to serve as LPQC officers (such as Secretary), and as key persons or “team members” for the following positions: media contact, membership/fundraising, candidate/activist outreach, youth/campus outreach, community/business outreach. Please attend, and volunteer to help in one of these areas!  Details and Directions

Larry Sharpe on NYC Corruption

Past (and future?) LPNY candidate Sharpe brings the receipts to document the massive corruption and cronyism in the Adams administration, the political issues springing from them going into the 2025 Mayoral election, and takes calls on his findings:

Ron Paul on the Ramping up of War with Iran

Over the weekend, the Commander of the US Central Command (CENTCOM), General Michael Kurilla, arrived in Israel to “coordinate” with the Israeli military and plan a military strike against Iran. Think about that for a moment: one of the highest-ranking officers in the US military is planning a war in a foreign country against another foreign country which will be fueled by American weapons, American intelligence, and American tax dollars.

Did that foreign country – Iran – attack the United States or threaten Americans? No, it did not. What did Iran do to warrant a CENTCOM commander bringing the weight of the US military into play to plan a war – possibly WWIII? It retaliated against Israeli airstrikes including the assignation of a Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran.

It was the Israeli missile attack on Tehran – an unprecedented event – that set off this chain of escalation, but few would know if from media coverage. This war fever between Israel and Iran not only has nothing to do with us, but our increasing involvement actually hurts our national interests in the region… More

Does Harris Represent Freedom, or Flip-Flop?

Can the new politics of “joy” championed by Kamala Harris and running mate Tim Walz stand up to libertarian scrutiny? From Reason:

Kamala Harris’ most consistent political trait may be a lack of consistency. Over the course of her long career, first in California and then in Washington, D.C., the Democrats’ 2024 presidential nominee has been plagued by plausible allegations that she’s hard to pin down and lacks a stable ideological core. She’s a flip-flopper—or, if you want to be charitable, she evolves quickly.

Over the summer, Harris’ evolutions kept on coming, with her campaign issuing rapid-fire disavowals of many of her previous positions. Because she ran her failed 2020 presidential primary bid on an ultraprogressive, big-government platform, many of her new positions are noticeably more oriented toward the mainstream—and freedom…

Yet in recent years, and especially since picking up the nomination for president, Harris has been flip-flopping toward freedom—at least on some issues. Since 2018, she has embraced marijuana legalization. More recently, Harris has changed her tune on fracking, single-payer health care, Supreme Court expansion, a mandatory gun buyback, and a federal jobs guarantee.

With each new flip-flop, Harris has been embracing more moderate and mainstream positions—and in most cases, this has led her in a less authoritarian direction. In 2019, Harris called it “a good idea” to force owners of semiautomatic rifles to sell them to the government. In August, a Harris spokesperson said she would not push a mandatory buyback program as president.

While running for president last time, Harris said there was “no question” that she was in “in favor of banning fracking,” an oil and gas extraction method that has helped lower natural gas prices and reduced reliance on coal but troubled environmentalists over concerns about potential ill effects. In July, Harris’ campaign told The Hill that a President Harris would not seek a ban on fracking…  Read More


Barnes on Ballot Access and Election Lawsuits

The background courtroom wars to protect (or undermine) constitutional ballots, and the control of election procedures by state legislatures in 2024 continue, as overviewed by attorney Robert Barnes:

LPQC 30th Anniversary, and County Convention Announcements

The moment has arrived! The Queens fall schedule is set, and below is some breaking local Libertarian news!

Join Queens Libertarians (aka Libertarian Party of Queens County, or Queens LP) for a special social gathering to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the organization. This meeting will be held on the SECOND SUNDAY, ON OCTOBER 13 AT 7 PM, in Manhattan, at the Pubkey Bar and Media House at 85 Washington Pl (near Washington Square Park). Members and attendees will talk about the LP chapter/county committee and its activity over food and drinks, and discuss its history and future (other speakers, or candidates to be announced). A general background statement on QL can be reviewed at http://www.queenslibertarians.org/past-controversies/

As needed, a short business session may be held, covering Queens LP planning and subcommittee updates, including plans for a November 2024 county convention. Attendees may inquire about joining LPQC and becoming active with us. PubKey is duly noted for serving the cause of liberty in NYC by hosting several LP meetups in recent months, and for promoting the crypto movement towards advancing bitcoin mining and alternative finance. LPQC proudly leaves our home borough to honor it through this unique event. Hope to see you there!  Details and Directions

Then one month later, join us for QL’s 2024 county convention (second try) as the Libertarian Party of Queens County (LPQC) on November 9 at noon. It will be held in our Fresh Meadows location at Hooters on 61-09 190th St, in the patio area. This official LP county committee function will serve as our full general meeting, where officers will be nominated or re-nominated, and committee or subcommittee members are to be appointed. We also plan to decide on our regular location going forward (choosing between Tu Casa in Woodhaven, Stamatis in Astoria, or Hooters). Attendees are asked to pay/renew dues of $20 to LPQC by or during the proceedings in order to vote. More info on the venue is at: https://www.hooters.com/locations/32908-fresh-meadows

Members and attendees will also speak, in the topical section, on the outcome of the November election—what are the implications for the future of the LP? An open discussion will cover concerns over ballot access in New York, and on how to secure restoring it in 2026 going forward. In this session members will again be offered to serve as LPQC officers (such as Secretary), and as key persons or “team members” for the following positions: media contact, membership/fundraising, candidate/activist outreach, youth/campus outreach, community/business outreach. Please attend, and volunteer to help in one of these areas!  Details and Directions


2024 Election Rigging Watch– Audits Reveal Up to 20% Voter Errors In Several States

Last of a series. With this much shaky stuff going on, it’s anyone’s guess what may happen in November. The main points of those concerned about election integrity (in 2020, and since) are over unconstitutional changes to state election procedures, bad registration rolls and the wrongful certification of invalid ballots, before the disputes are resolved or properly audited. Will that disaster happen again? Is liberty possible, without free and fair elections? Two videos explain the problem:

Is Animal Cruelty Happening in Queens, As Well As In Ohio?

Forget the two party squabble over liberals dismissing claims that Haitians are eating pets in Ohio, or TDS complaints about Trump badly articulating the issue. The Quartering video below documents first hand police reports, and accounts from actual residents (not social media third hand rumors) that geese and other animals are in fact being abused. A blog excerpt also below indicates animal sacrifice is also a present day concern right here in NYC. Whatever the truth is, these reports are enough evidence that this matter needs to be investigated, not sweepingly discounted, nor blindly accepted at face value. Whether the animals are being taken from parks or from neighbors, that’s property theft, as well as potential abuse:

See also:  https://notthebee.com/article/this-youtuber-is-on-the-ground-in-springfield-and-the-things-hes-discovering-about-the-haitian-migrant-crisis-is-unreal

And:  https://nypost.com/2024/09/14/us-news/agencies-to-increase-enforcement-in-jamaica-bay-over-animal-sacrifices/

“In a little over a month… nine wounded animals or carcasses have been discovered in the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge including a trio of piglets with their ears and tails cut off , a baby rat tied up in a bag, a decapitated chicken and a dead dog with its neck snapped… alongside statuettes of Hindu deities and a trio of prayer flags…

The US Supreme Court upheld the right to animal sacrifice on religious grounds in a 1993 ruling. ”   Source

2024 Election Rigging Watch– Did the CCP Try to Steal an Assembly Seat in Flushing?

The long arm of fraud is reaching in to what should be local elections, all the way from China! Looks like foreign influence is at work in Queens primary races, says one Asian incumbent in the NY Post:

Queens state Assemblyman Ron Kim says groups tied to the Chinese Community Party tried to topple him and steal his predominantly Asian-populated seat in the June Democratic primary.

“There were clear patterns of foreign influence trying to dictate the outcome of the election — groups with ties to mainland China and the CCP [Chinese Communist Party]. They were trying to steal the Flushing seat,” Kim told The Post.

“It’s a very layered operation. We’re entering dangerous territory. I don’t know how we can stop it,” he said.

Kim, a Korean-American, is speaking out after the stunning arrest of Linda Sun, a former top aide to Govs. Kathy Hochul and Andrew Cuomo.

Sun, along with her husband, Christopher Hu, is charged with being an unregistered agent for the CCP in exchange for millions of dollars in kickbacks and laundering the illicit money to buy a $4.1 million mansion in Manhasset, LI, a $2 million posh Honolulu condo and a fleet of luxury cars, including a 2024 Ferrari Roma.

Kim’s Dem opponent in the 40th District’s primary race, upstart Yi Andy Chen, was endorsed by the American Chinese Commerce Association. The association is a group identified as linked to the CCP and John Chan, a Chinese-American activist and chairman of the group with reportedly close ties to the People’s Republic of China and its Consulate General office in New York…. Read More

The Hill: Oliver on the Two-Party System

Chase Oliver landed a profile on NewsNation/The Hill, with comments as follows:

The Libertarian Party’s presidential candidate Chase Oliver slammed the “evils” of the two-party system, arguing it does not give Americans quality voting choices.

“I think voters are conditioned, much of it out of fear to pick one side or the other, or the lesser of two evils,” Oliver said during his Thursday appearance on NewsNation’s show “The Hill.”

“But I remind voters, as I travel across the country that when you pick a lesser of two evils, you’re still picking evil,” he added. “And if people you know … I hear all the time, oh, I would vote for you, except you wouldn’t win.”

“Do you think they are evil though?” NewsNation’s host Blake Burman then asked in response.

Oliver, who is currently on the ballot in at least 34 states, criticized both the Republican and Democratic parties for contributing to the increase of the national debt and a hawkish foreign policy — issues, that in his view, have not been dealt with due to the current two-party make-up.

“I think much of what the two-party system provides is an invasive, overly intrusive and abusive state that invades our liberty up and down, you know, from the federal all the way down the most local government,” he said on Thursday.

“So yeah, we want to fight back against the abuses of government that you’re not getting from Republicans and Democrats who continue to bloat the debts, the deficits, the wars around the world using taxpayer dollars,” Oliver continued. “There’s plenty of evil to find in the Republican and Democratic party that has not been addressed due to the nature of this binary two-party system.”  More


2024 Election Rigging Watch– Officials Threatened, and Ineligible Voters

Across the country, a lot of groundwork is apparently being made to facilitate a new round of election cheating, just in case the 2024 real voting results turn out to be too Orange. Some states are trying to do a Rig 2.0, but some are fighting back. From the Gateway Pundit:

Last week, MI SOS Benson threatened election officials in a video-recorded message. Looking directly into the camera, Benson said, “We will come for you!” if you challenge the election. She appears to realize that she’s let down her carefully crafted, phony girl next door persona while threatening election officials, as she can be seen attempting to soften her threat by smirking.

MI SOS Jocelyn Benson and her Director of Elections, Eric Brater, are currently being sued by the RNC, who is attempting to force the state of MI to fix its grossly over-inflated voter rolls, citing their failure to “live up” to the NVRA or National Voter Registration Act’s requirement that demands voter rolls must be kept clean.

The lawsuit states that MI SOS Benson and BOE Director Brater/ERIC chair have failed to meet the requirements outlined in section 8 of the NRVA, or National Voter Registration Act, which requires the states to maintain clean and accurate voter registration records.

Of the 83 counties in Michigan, the lawsuit claims at least 53 have more active registered voters than adult citizens over 18, and 23 have registrations exceeding 90% of adult citizens over 18. The lawsuit states, “that number of voters is impossibly high.” Comparing the registered active voter count to the 2022 Census data reveals that these 53 counties have active voter registration rates at or above 100 percent of their citizen voting-age populations.

Meanwhile, MI AG Dana Nessel is setting the stage for the outside chance Democrats don’t get enough “votes” to overtake Trump’s lead in Michigan. In the video below, Nessel warns that Trump will “try to subvert the election through illegal means” by “enlisting as many Republican poll workers, clerks & activists as possible.” Since when did this become illegal?

In Arizona, a lawsuit was filed by the AZ GOP against the Democrat SOS Adrian Fontes for finding between 500,000 – 1 million ineligible voters on their voter rolls.

Steven Miller of America First Legal announced their lawsuit against all 15 counties in Arizona for refusing to remove illegals from their voter rolls….

In Texas, Republican Governor Greg Abbott has ordered one million ineligible voters to be removed from the voter rolls, including 500,000 DEAD voters!

During an interview with Joe Rogan, the brilliant biologist Bret Weinstein explained how Democrats have something called a “cheat margin” built into their plans to steal elections.

Bret Weinstein says there is a “Cheat margin” in elections and says America owes Trump a debt of gratitude for proving it could be beaten.

Rogan suggested that manipulated polls are being used to convince Americans that Kamala is “up in the polls,” even though no one is supporting her. He asked Weinstein if he could quantify the amount of cheating that needs to happen to make it possible for Harris to defeat Trump in the upcoming election.

“One of the things that I’m trying to convince people of is that it’s not hopeless because they can cheat, but it means that you have to succeed at a level that exceeds their capacity to erase it.” Read more