Procida on the Great Reset

Procida on the Great Reset

John Procida, 1994 founder of LPQC, and at 92 years old as New York’s grand old man of liberty, on the latest globalist tax dream. See also his breakdown video on stopping real estate tax reassessment, below:

The Great Reset

To understand our government, it is helpful to understand the meaning of the word “State”. Funke and Wagnalls dictionary gives many meanings to the word state but one of its meaning is that a State is a nation. Therefore we are really a group of united nations banded together for protection and economic gain. What our forefathers had in mind and what we are now is upside down. What our forefathers fought and died for was an escape from tyranny and what they left us with was a minimal federal government and a country run for and by the states, independently for the most part. They started the revolution over a tax of 2.5 %on tea. Now we are each paying about 55% of our income in combined taxes per year… Read More

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