The Libertarian Populist Revolt Against Short Selling

The Libertarian Populist Revolt Against Short Selling

For those mystified about the complexity of the Gamestop reverse short-selling episode that rocked the markets this past week, the below breakdown on the Hill provides one of the clearest explanations of its implications. In essence, this was Occupy 2.0, only instead of people protesting the financial abuses of the state-subsidized, elite one percenters, this time some middle class investors on Reddit found a way to reverse the flow of profits, from Wall Street to Main Street. As summarized by online commentator ‘Styxhexenhammer666’ (Tarl Warwick):

This was the free market, the de-manipulation of stock prices at work, against a hedge fund that is essentially guaranteed by government and government propped-up central banking, and by so-called ‘private banks’ with a million government loans and contracts. This is essentially an attack on socialism. Just so you know, what Reddit is engaged in, ironically enough, is a libertarian referendum on a socialistic banking system, that favors the rich by structure, because central government tends to pal around with the rich, who donate to their campaigns. That’s basically what this is.”

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