US Senate Candidate in NYC Sunday

US Senate Candidate in NYC Sunday

As recommended by Daniel Donnelly, LPNY State Committee Elected Representative:

Diane Sare, running for U.S. Senate, appears in Manhattan on Sunday, February 18th, 10am at the International Presidents Day Conference. As you may remember, Sare courted the Libertarian Party of New York for cross-endorsement and was rejected but got on statewide ballot nonetheless in 2022. She is the LaRouche Independent candidate with some positions compatible with Libertarian principles, such as opposition to military adventurism which has characterized much of U.S. foreign policy since the 1950s.

Though I may not agree with Sare on all her stances, her candidacy appeals to me much more than re-electing Kirsten Gillibrand. To that end, I invite you to join me at this event, to hear out Diane Sare, who will be taking questions.

Tickets are $25 per attendee. For security concerns, venue will be disclosed to ticketholders closer to the event’s date/time. I hope to see you there!

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