Special Events Coordinator Michelle Yaskel offers the following summary on preparations for the annual toy drive:
“The local day care center in my area has 12 children, ages 1-9, 6 boys and 6 girls. We can give out the toys to them anytime in December.
“NYFAC will have the same procedure in place as last year; no party at Russo’s on the Bay Restaurant, but a drive through give out of toys on Sat., Dec. 11th and Sat., Dec. 18th. Each family will fill out a questionnaire expressing one’s toy preferences and then Frank Scafo and his wife Debbie will determine what each child should receive as a certain toy or toys based on the donations and place them in bags. We can call the Scafos and arrange for a pickup of the toys at our convenience before their toy drives. The 1st toy drive on Dec. 11th are for the students, ages 1 – 30 who physically attend school. They will receive the bagged toys with their name on it in the school’s parking lot.
“The 2nd toy drive on Dec. 18th will be for the students who are homebound and physically unable to attend school. The Scafos will deliver the individually labeled bagged toys to each of their homes. Please contact me if you have any questions.”